We look for genre authors who cross boundaries and write stories difficult to classify. The stories we publish are ones that twist genre tropes, can't be pigeonholed into a single subgenre, and often mix genres together. We are not accepting submissions while we prepare Tumbled Tales for publication. Please check back this summer if you have a short story you'd like us to consider for our 2024 anthology.
Please email us using the contact form below if you have a question not otherwise addressed.
No. Submissions may reopen after the publication of Tumbled Tales. Please check our website again this summer.
We’re looking for genre authors who cross boundaries. Send us the story that you can’t classify: a story that can’t be pigeon-holed into a single subgenre, or that pushes against your genre’s boundaries. For example, we’d love to read...
Most accepted stories are between 3,000 and 7,000 words. We will consider anything between 1,000 and 15,000 words.
Yes. You may submit a story you are also submitting to other publishers. As a courtesy, we ask that you promptly notify us if you need to withdraw your story from consideration.
In your email sending your story, please tell us the story title, author name, word count, genre(s), and a brief (under 200 words) statement of why you think your story fits the anthology’s theme. If applicable, include a list of any published or forthcoming novels/stories related to your submission. This anthology will be marketed to readers looking to discover new authors, so preference will be given to emerging authors who have published (or will be publishing) related works.
No. Please do not submit previously published work, including work originally published in a language other than English, or anything substantially similar to a story you've posted online. Sharing your story with a limited group of people for the purpose of receiving a critique does not constitute prior publication.
You are welcome to submit multiple pieces (within reason) but must write a separate cover letter statement for each submitted work.
Our editor will respond to each submission email within three business days to confirm receipt of your work. We will inform you within 30-60 days whether your story has made it to the next round of consideration. In order to best shape the anthology, we often hold back acceptances while we consider other submissions. If you receive an offer of publication elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make a counteroffer or remove your story from consideration.
We offer $25 (USD) for first publication rights. If we accept your story for publication, we will send you a Publishing Agreement setting forth further details. After the agreement has been signed electronically, the author will receive payment by Zelle, PayPal or Venmo (author's choice). Authors receive a complimentary eBook copy of the published anthology. We do not provide complimentary paperback copies.
This short story anthology showcases authors whose work crosses genre boundaries and twists the tropes. Every story in this volume offers readers a chance to discover authors whose writing can’t be easily classified or labeled, but is both entertaining and literary. We received hundreds of fascinating submissions. From twisted takes on classic fairytales to horror/fantasy/science fiction mash-ups, we have been astounded by the depths of creativity we have discovered in these stories. We have seen combinations of genres, subversions of tropes, and just plain wacky ideas that made us think, There's no way this could work—only to grow more entranced by those stories with every sentence. More than anything, this wide range of submissions has proven to us that unconventional stories do have a home, and a community that loves reading them.
Wandering Wave Press
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